Meet The Team

Pastor Tim Bridges received the call to ministry in 2016 while on a work and witness trip in Guadalajara, Mexico. He felt God call him into evangelism or church revitalization. After returning from the trip, He approached several other Pastors and lay leaders to pray with him about his call. In January 2017 it was affirmed and he received his local licence with the church of the Nazarene. Since then, he has volunteered in youth ministry, young adult's ministry and has performed pulpit supply throughout southern Alberta. In October 2022 He was appointed interim pastor of Airdrie Family Life Church and on April 1, 2023 became the permanent lead pastor . He is married to Sharon and they have 3 teenagers 14,16, and 18. He has a heart for the city of Airdrie and believes that we are to be examples of Christ in all aspects of our Lives. We need to be scripturally fed and have a hunger for those in our community. We look forward to meeting you.